1. I've heard a rumor that rental agencies, including ResortQuest, have encouraged owners to list their properties for rental as “pet friendly” to obtain more business. Is this true?
The rumor that rental agencies are encouraging advertisements for dog friendly rentals is simply untrue. In the past year we’ve investigated 2 such incidents. Both were advertisements posted by owners who did not use agencies for advertising their units. Both removed the posting when directed to do so.
We are happy to investigate any advertisements that violate our rules and appropriate fines will be levied against anyone found to be violating Sea Colony rules and regulations regarding rentals allowing pets. More information about Sea Colony rules and policies regarding pets can be found at seacolony.com/rules-policies.
2. As a renter, are we able to use the beach facilities the day of check in and check out understanding that we won’t have access to the room until later? Do we need badges or bracelets to identify us as guests?
Yes, on the day of your check-in, you are able to access the beach and pools while you wait.You will need to purchase/pick-up your badges and parking passes first. Keep in mind, on the day of your check-out, your badges and parking passes will expire, so you will not have the use of them.
3. Where can I find the Waiver of Liability?
The waiver can be found at seacolony.com/waiver, on the Sea Colony App, or at the Beach Shoppe electronic kiosks.
4. Will any pools be open for September rentals?
Both indoor pools will be open along with the Aquatics Center Tennis Pool 4, which is open until Columbus Day, 10/12/20.
5. What is the new Pickleball Open Play schedule?
Pickleball Open Play will be held 9 am -12 pm daily, on court 15. Court 15 is located across Westway Drive, south of the Tennis Center.
The cost will be $5 per person for locals. Owners and Renters are FREE.
We require that you sign-up ahead of time online at seacolonytennis.net, or by calling the Tennis Center desk at 302-539-4488.