Board of Directors Meeting Schedule Announced The Sea Colony Rec. Association Board of Directors announced the following Board Meeting Schedule for the remainder of 2019 and until June, 2020:
Saturday, August 17 – 9 am – Ron Wickwire Community Center at Edgewater
Saturday, October 19 – 9 am – Freeman Fitness Center
Saturday, December 7 – 9 am – Ron Wickwire Community Center at Edgewater
Saturday, March 21 – 9 am – Freeman Fitness Center
Saturday, May 2 – 9 am – Ron Wickwire Community Center at Edgewater
Saturday, June 6 – 10 am – Annual Meeting at the Edgewater Grassy Area
The 2019-2020 Sea Colony Recreational Association Board of Directors and term is:
Roy Zatcoff – President (2020)
Rich Kent – Treasurer (2022)
John Gilbert – Secretary (2022)
Ron Axsom – Director (2021)
Tom Berray – Director (2020)
Rob Briskman – Director (2020)
Ed Smith – Director (2021)
Board of Directors Announce Distinguished Service Award Winners

During the Sea Colony Annual Homeowners’ Meeting on Saturday, June 1, Board President Roy Zatcoff announced recipients of a new community award honoring outstanding service to Sea Colony. The recipients of the award for 2019 are former longtime Board Members Phil Drew and Jim Toedtman, and Sr. I/T Manager John Baker. He described their commitment and said Sea Colony was a better place because of their service in the following text:
Phil Drew and his wife Mimi have been residents of Sea Colony since 2004. Phil immediately started volunteering – with his Phase Council, and for nearly every SCRA committee we have. He chaired the Security Committee for about 3 years; he was a member of the Facilities Management and Landscape Committees, became a Board member in 2008 and chaired the ad hoc Rules Committee, and then the Insurance Committee.
Phil’s leadership and dedication to Sea Colony is inspiring. He has a way of balancing many different community interests and volunteer activities – both civic and not for profit -- with honor and commitment.
He and his wife are role models for their children, as well. Phil is a retired Brigadier General in the Air Force, and Mimi is a retired Rear Admiral in the Navy. Their kids followed their paths and their daughter Campbell is in the Air Force and son Philip is in the Marines. Phil and Mimi are proud parents and grandparents.
We are lucky to have the Drews as neighbors and Phil’s guidance and vision in our community. I’m sure you join me in thanking Phil for his service and dedication.
Jim and Haydee Toedtman have owned in Sea Colony since 1997. Jim is a retired journalist, and is Director of Flagler College Forum on Public Policy and Politics in St. Augustine, Florida.
For many years, Jim was a member of the Phase 20 Council and has been a Board member since 2007. Talk to committee and staff members, and what you quickly learn is Jim is a natural “teacher.” He knows his flora and fauna and is eager to mentor staff and owners of the best plants to use in particular areas of Sea Colony – and beyond. Jim has been Sea Colony’s representative with the Assawoman Canal Trails Project for more than a decade. He and Haydee are long time volunteers making annual pilgrimages to Haiti to distribute eye glasses and humanitarian aid to the island residents.
Jim has chaired the Landscape Committee since its “reinvention” from the former Grounds Committee (in late 2005). His respect for nature and his love of landscaping made him the perfect chair. He was instrumental in upgrading the Sea Colony entrances with signage and plants. He is collaborative and listens to every point of view before offering a recommendation. He gave SCRA Manager Kevin Wells “assignments” to travel to communities with the best plantings and design, learn how these plants thrive, and then collaborate with local landscapers to improve Sea Colony’s landscape.
As a community, we are fortunate to have had Jim’s interest, experience and dedication. We greatly appreciate his years of service.
John Baker joined the ResortQuest team in 2015 and has headed a number of large scale projects including creation of an electronic cloud based data storage system for all our important documents, upgrades to the Beach camera, rollout of Sea Colony smart phone apps, development of our tram tracker app, and upgrading the Sea Colony website. These are all part of his achievements but most importantly is the work done to make the major transition to Comcast successful.
Behind the scenes, strategic review of infrastructure, planning and tracking of equipment returns were crucial steps in the project’s success. Today Sea Colony owners are enjoying reliable cable services, quality picture resolutions and higher internet speeds in their units, and for the first time throughout the community: Wi-Fi. Our thanks go out to John for his many contributions to improving the community’s connectivity in so many ways!
Ronald C. Wickwire Community Service Award Recipient Announced
At the Annual Meeting on June 1, Sea Colony Treasurer Rich Kent announced the recipient of the Ronald C. Wickwire Community Service Award for 2019. This award celebrates contributions made to the Bethany Beach and broader community reflecting service and vision of Ron Wickwire. Teresa Zatcoff was honored for the grass roots effort she launched in 2010 to support women and their children as they transition from abusive environments to safe, independent living. Her passion has inspired more than 200 women to join her to help women and children in need. His announcement read:
This year’s community service award recipient is a woman who is a mountainous ball of energy, has a huge heart, and a strong passion to help others. In 2010, with an idea and tons of passion, this little firebrand began a movement in her house organizing and motivating local women to help her cause. Assembling a small army of caring women which now has grown to about 200 women, Womenade has donated over $200,000 worth of essential items, funds, furniture and supplies to People’s Place.
Delaware by the Sea Womenade is a grass roots organization that provides help to People’s Place, which supports the “Safe and Abriendo Puertas” domestic violence programs. The group’s mission is to assist women and their children in these shelters transition from abusive environments to independent living.
Throughout the year holding Potluck dinners and a Games Day fundraising event, these women, with the support of local businesses, have provided essential personal items, children’s holiday gifts, school supplies, and much needed funds. Her compassion and giving nature captivates the energy of people in Southern Delaware who join hands with her for this most worthy cause.
Flags on Beach Determine Placement of Cabanas and Tent-like Structures
This summer, the Security staff will place flags in the middle of the Sea Colony beach to indicate where canopies and tent-like structures can be located behind the flags. Beach Patrol staff will monitor this and any violations will be addressed.