To Sea Colony Homeowners From Tom Olson
What’s happening at Sea Colony? We’re preparing for the unofficial start of summer – beginning with the Memorial Day weekend! We’ve spent the past month readying the beach, opening our pools, preparing our tennis courts and putting the finishing touches on landscape projects throughout the community. We’ve added kayak racks, installed heaters at Tennis Pools 1&2 and increased our “On-Demand” parking program by adding Georgetowne House and Harbour House spaces.
There’s More!! We’re waiting for our new tram. Big, white and energy-efficient, this is Sea Colony’s first new tram in a decade. We’re also rolling out the first ever Sea Colony app for smart phones. You can download the app from the app store by entering “seacolony” and following instructions. Once downloaded, you’ll have the tram tracker at your fingertips along with beach cam video, daily schedules, maps and other features.
Cable TV/Internet Transition
As you know, litigation involving SCRA and Mediacom has been settled. To avoid disrupting the summer season for our residents and guests, we’re planning now for a transition that will begin in the fall with anticipated completion by December 1st. In the coming months, we’ll outline procedures for switching equipment from Mediacom to Comcast.
Beach News
Extending lifeguards’ beach duty to 6 PM was popular last year. So we’ll do it again this summer. We’re also trying an experiment by selling snacks and cold drinks on the beach. You’ll see Oceanside Deli’s converted golf cart moving along the dune line. We’ll see how you like it. You may have also heard that the town of Bethany Beach is planning a beach and dune replenishment project in May and June. After consulting with beach engineers, we’ve opted not to participate. The town also banned canopies and tents on its beach altogether. Sea Colony will continue to allow both canopies and tents, as long as they are placed no closer than the midway point of the beach.
Pool News
Beginning mid-June, we’re extending the summer hours at our Edgewater and the Aquatics Center outdoor pools until 9PM. More good news: Heaters were installed over the winter at Tennis Pools 1&2 located along Westway Drive, completing the program to provide comfortable pool temperatures at each of our 12 pools!
Activities & Fitness
We think we’re meeting our twin program goals for summer – full and fun. First we’re introducing Movies on the Beach twice in July and once in August. This family friendly program is sponsored by Bethany Boathouse, Cottage Café, Seaside Seven Real Estate and ResortQuest Delaware. We’ll continue our popular beach bonfires, bingo and Kids Night Out just to name a few!! Our fitness programs include water-aerobics, barre, cycling, yoga and Zumba. Play Book 2018 is your one stop guide to everything Sea Colony. Copies will be available throughout the community, or check the SeaColony.com website.
Top-ranked Tennis
So many great things to report on the tennis front! Did you know that Tennis Resorts Online has ranked the Sea Colony children’s tennis program as No. 5 (WORLDWIDE!!)? What a great testament to Thomas Johnston and his staff who have developed a high quality program designed to inspire and teach our Sea Colony youth. Our tennis camp program ranks in the top 25, and Sea Colony ranks as 21st best Tennis Resort in the world! One reason for this record is our solid foundation -- our Nike tennis camps, cardio tennis, adult clinics and private lessons. Add to that the USTA-recognized ResortQuest Pro Women’s Open Tournament (which takes place June 3 – 10). One reflection of the quality of players we’re attracting is last year’s Open winner, Danielle Collins, who defeated Venus Williams in the Miami Open tournament held in April. Finally, we’re expanding our program and adding Pickleball. We’re holding clinics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at noon. Come out and give it a try!
How do we contact you? Let me count the ways!
At least seven: 1. Weekly e-mail blasts. 2. Our first-ever Sea Colony app for smart phone users. 3. The Sea Colony Play Book on line and in print -- at the Beach Shoppe, Edgewater offices, Tennis and Fitness Centers. 4. SeaColony.com. 5. Lobby televisions at Edgewater, Fitness and the Beach Shoppe feature the latest schedules and activities at Sea Colony. 6. The folks at Helpme@seacolony.com. 7. Finally, our Facebook pages at: www.facebook.com/SeaColonyRec, www.facebook.com/SeaColonyTennis, www.facebook.com/SeaColonyAquatics, and www.facebook.com/FreemanFitnessCenter
Badge & Parking Enforcement
The Security team is expanding its summer detail to periodically staff each beach crossover making sure access to our facility is limited to owners and authorized guests. We ask that you please inform all guests and tenants that badges must be worn when using beach crossovers. Otherwise, they’ll be asked to return to their units or visit the Beach Shoppe to purchase new badges. You can help us minimize these unpleasant experiences by communicating badge requirements to all guests and tenants. We thank you in advance for your help. Once again, our Westway Drive security detail will be in place throughout the summer to monitor traffic for proper vehicle identification. Please be sure all vehicles possess the necessary dashboard placards. Last summer, we turned away as many as 50% of the vehicles entering Westway. It’s always unfortunate when authorized guests are turned away because they have not properly registered and obtained vehicle identification.
Sad News at Swan Lake
We’ve had several inquiries from residents regarding the whereabouts of one of our swans who called the west side of Sea Colony home. She has been missing now for several weeks and I’m sorry to report that she was found deceased near the outfall of the lake. We suspect that she may have died during a particularly hard storm as she was missing beginning the next morning. The swans are purchased and cared for by residents and council of Phase VI and add an air of elegance and charm to the area. No word yet on whether another will be added to join the single swan that remains but an interesting side note is that to acquire a swan, permits must be applied for and obtained from the State of Delaware. Officials are sometime reluctant to approve the permits as swans are not native to the area and are considered an invasive species. Nonetheless, they have been extremely popular with our residents and guests and we know many would like to see another added. Stay tuned for updates!
Let the fun begin!
Don’t forget the Sea Colony Rec Association’s annual meeting at 10 am, June 2. And especially, don’t forget the annual Owners Picnic and Party, with plenty of food, live music and a chance to reconnect with your summer friends that takes place in the evening from 6 to 9 pm.
Our goal is simple: Make 2018 Sea Colony’s best summer yet!!
See you next issue!!